I give my child permission to join and participate in all activities and events hosted by Ring 58 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. I understand that Ring 58, it's officers, and members do not explicitly assume the responsibility of my child during these activities. I am responsible for supervision of my youth before, during, and after all scheduled activities. I am responsible for providing transportation to and from these events. If I drop off my child, I will be on time to pick them up after the schedule event.
I give Ring 58 and its designees permission to use my child's name, likeness, image, voice, appearance in publications associated with Ring 58. This includes, but is not limited to, the club website, social media platforms, all print media, and digital broadcasting. I expressly release and indemnify Ring 58, its officers, members, and designees from any and all claims known and unknown arising out of or in any way connected with the above-granted uses and representations. The rights granted are perpetual and worldwide.
I agree to support the mission of Ring 58 to enhance the art of magic in East Tennessee. I will maintain an active membership status as detailed in the Ring Bylaws and adhere to IBM's code of ethics.